Get the support you need to create and nurture the relationships you desire!

Magenta Brooks - Polyamory Relationship Coach
Neuro-Spicy, LGBTQ+, and Kink: Welcomed and Supported!


You don’t have to figure all of this out alone. 

Magenta has helped hundreds of people - both as a teacher and as a private coach - to move through these beautiful and challenging spaces from empowered and centered places of self.

If you are feeling challenged, or curious, or you just want to be prepared for what may come your way, please reach out.

  • Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries

  • Managing time and commitments

  • Transitioning from monogamy to polyamory

  • Managing fear, jealousy, and insecurity

  • Nurturing emotional intimacy and connection

  • Developing healthy conflict resolution skills

Transitioning to Polyamory?

Take my free, 30 minute intro to polyamory course:

From Monogamy to Polyamory:

Transitioning to Polyamory without Damaging your Relationship

Transitioning to polyamory can be challenging. Face it together, with love, patience, and the skillsets you need to navigate this wonderful path joyfully and sustainably.

Frequently Asked Questions

Videos on Boundaries, Consent, Sexuality, and, of course, Polyamory!

Podcasts and Interviews

Delightful and Very, Very long interview with Shining Nathan: Talk and Tea with Auntie! Hear more about me than you every wanted to know!

BiCurean Podcast: Freedom to Commit, with Poly Coach Magenta Brooks

PolyChat: Conversations about Parenting and Polyamory with Magenta Brooks