Compassionate, knowledgeable support for polyamorous and ethically non-monogamous relationships - LGBTQ+ and Kink positive.


Struggling does not mean you are bad at poly, or that polyamory can’t work, or that your relationship is doomed. It just means you’re human. You’re trying to build something unique, and beautiful, and innately challenging.

Keep breathing. Don’t panic. You can do this.

Videos on Boundaries, Consent, Sexuality, and, of course, Polyamory!


Delightful and Very, Very long interview with Shining Nathan: Talk and Tea with Auntie! Hear more about me than you every wanted to know!

Interviews and Podcasts!

Leading Edge Love: Magenta Brooks, Polyamory & Kink Relationship Coach

Genuinely GG: Let's Talk Sex With Brandi Glanville & Polyamory Coach Magenta

PolyChat: Conversations about Parenting and Polyamory with Magenta Brooks
